How to Create a Blog Content Calendar

September 13, 2024


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This post is all about creating a blog content calendar.

blog content calendar

When it comes to blogging, having a blog content calendar is a must! Seriously, if you’re wondering how people get page views and have really successful blogs, it’s because they plan out every single blog post.

This sounds a lot more daunting than it actually is and honestly it’s one of my favorite things to do for my blog. I love going to a coffee shop for a couple of hours and grinding out a calendar.

I’m sharing an in-depth look at content planning and how you can create a blog content calendar that actually works for you!

Understanding the Basics of a Blog Content Calendar

Having a calendar ensures that you stay consistent with your content, allowing you to strategically write posts with your overall goals and audience needs.

But what exactly goes into creating a content calendar for your blog, and why is it so beneficial?

A huge part of SEO is optimizing what content will be published and when. Once you know what to post and when, you can generate upcoming topics, due dates, and publishing timelines.

Plus, having a content calendar is especially helpful for managing multiple content streams (like if you’re also doing social media), as it keeps everything organized and streamlined.

When learning how to create a blog schedule, there are several key components to include:

  1. Topics: Plan out the blog post ideas you want to cover. By mapping out topics in advance, you can ensure variety and relevance, keeping your readers engaged.
  2. Deadlines: Set clear deadlines for content creation, revisions, and approval. This helps maintain momentum and prevents last-minute scrambling.
  3. Publishing Dates: Choose specific dates for when each post will go live. This adds structure to your content strategy and encourages consistency.
  4. Promotional Plans: Beyond just publishing, think about how you’ll promote each blog post. Will you share it on social media? Send it in an email newsletter? Include these steps in your calendar to maximize your reach.

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Assessing Your Blogging Goals and Needs

Before creating your blog content calendar, I recommend getting really clear on who you’re writing for and what your niche is.

When planning blog content, understanding your target audience is crucial. Ask yourself:

  • Who are you writing for?
  • What are their needs, pain points, and interests?
  • What kind of content do they engage with the most?

By identifying your audience, you can write content that provides value and keeps them coming back. Crafting your content and voice around their needs will help you build a loyal readership and enhance your blog’s overall performance.

I’ve always said this but WRITE FOR THE READER. No one cares about you in the beginning so make it all about them.

Setting Short-Term and Long-Term Blogging Goals

Your blog goals determine everything! When creating your blog schedule planner, it’s important to know what your short-term and long-term are:

  • Short-term goals: These are the immediate outcomes you want to achieve within weeks or months, such as increasing your blog traffic, gaining more followers, or generating leads.
  • Long-term goals: These objectives focus on your blog’s growth over time, such as building a strong personal brand, growing your email subscriber list, or monetizing your blog through sponsorships, ads, or products.

By having clear goals, you can create a strategic plan for your blog and ensure that every piece of content you create serves a purpose. Your short-term goals will keep you motivated in the day-to-day, while your long-term vision will guide your overall content strategy.

It will also help you focus on ROI, return on investment.

Determining the Type and Frequency of Content Needed

Figuring out how frequently you need to publish doesn’t have to be super scientific.

I recommend just asking yourself “how often can you realistically create high-quality content?”

For example, if you’re a solo blogger, publishing one or two in-depth blog posts per week might be manageable. The most important thing is you choose a frequency that you can consistently manage.

Choosing the Right Format for Your Blog Content Calendar

If you know me, you know I’m a paper girl! I love planning out my content calendar with pen and paper first.

Then, because I have a team and I like to have my Google calendar up to date, I enter in the blogging calendar after it’s finalized.

Digital Calendars vs. Physical Planners

When it comes to how to plan blog content, you’ll need a system that helps you stay on top of deadlines and manage your content efficiently.

Digital Calendars: These are online tools and apps that allow you to plan, organize, and collaborate on your blog content from anywhere. Popular options include:

  • Google Calendar
  • Trello
  • Asana

Physical Planners: These are traditional, paper-based planners or notebooks that let you manually write down your content schedule. Many bloggers prefer physical planners for their tactile experience, and they often offer the freedom to brainstorm, doodle, and map out ideas more creatively.

We actually offer both at The Dailee, you can get an iPad planner or paper planner to map out your content calendar!

Ultimately, the best format for your blog content calendar is one that fits your unique style and goals.

Whether you prefer the flexibility of digital tools or the hands-on experience of a physical planner, make sure your system helps you stay organized, motivated, and consistent with your blogging efforts.

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Planning Your Content Topics

Now for the bread and butter: actually planning your content topics!

By carefully researching and planning what you’ll write about, you can maintain consistency, engage your audience, and support your SEO goals. 

Brainstorming Content Ideas and Themes

The first step in planning blog content is brainstorming topics that will captivate your readers.

I created an entire course on how I plan for content, so if you want my exact strategy, I recommend getting the Perfecting Blogging course.

However, if you’re just looking for some general ways to get started, I recommend: 

  • Consider Your Audience’s Needs: What questions do they have? What challenges are they facing? Think about the kind of information your target audience is searching for and tailor your content around those needs. This could involve tutorials, how-to guides, case studies, product reviews, or opinion pieces.
  • Look at Industry Trends: Staying on top of trends in your niche can inspire timely and relevant blog topics. Follow industry news, social media discussions, and competitor blogs to spot trending themes.

Conducting Keyword Research to Align with SEO Goals

By conducting keyword research, you can identify the search terms and phrases your target audience is using and create content that ranks well on search engines.

  • Start with Main Keywords: Begin by identifying core topics relevant to your niche. These are the “main keywords” that represent the main themes of your blog.
  • Use Keyword Research Tools: Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Ubersuggest allow you to find specific keywords that your audience is searching for. Look for keywords with a balance of high search volume and low competition.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Focus on long-tail keywords, which are more specific and often have lower competition. These phrases usually consist of three or more words.
  • Incorporate Keywords Naturally: Use throughout blog posts, titles, headers, and meta descriptions. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact both readability and SEO rankings.

Scheduling and Organizing Content

Now for the fun part, once you’ve planned your topics, it’s time to schedule and organize your blog content!

Setting Up a Publishing Schedule: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

Remember when I said to pick a blog post frequency that works for you? The frequency of your blog posts is key to maintaining reader engagement and growing your blog.

When setting your blog schedule, choose a frequency that is realistic for you and aligns with your overall goals. The key is to stay consistent—whether you post once a week or once a month, readers will come to rely on your schedule.

Incorporating Seasonal Events, Holidays, or Special Dates Relevant to Your Audience

When it comes to holidays in your niche, this is something you can’t forget!

You must plan to prioritize content for relevant holidays! It’s one of the main ways you can capitalize on your current audience and reach new audiences.

  1. Research Upcoming Holidays and Events: Start by identifying key dates that are important to your audience. Incorporating these into your content calendar ensures that you can publish timely content that taps into current trends.
  2. Tailor Content to the Season: Once you’ve identified relevant dates, brainstorm how you can align your content with these events. 
  3. Promote Special Offers or Product Launches: If you run an e-commerce site or sell products alongside your blog, consider scheduling content that coincides with promotional events like Black Friday, back-to-school sales, or Valentine’s Day. 
  4. Plan in Advance: It’s important to plan seasonal content well ahead of time. This allows your content to gain traction in search engines and social media in the weeks leading up to the holiday.

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Incorporating Content Promotion

Writing great content is only the first step to building a successful blog. Promoting that content is just as important to ensure it reaches your audience and drives engagement.

Planning for Promotional Activities

Once your blog content is ready to go live, it’s time to promote it across various platforms to maximize reach and drive traffic back to your blog.

As a blogger, you’re main two ways of promoting your content are typically with:

  1. Social Media: Social media is one of the most effective ways to promote your blog content and connect with your audience. 
  2. Email: Email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools for promoting blog content directly to your audience. 

Tools and Strategies for Tracking

While it may seem confusing and not super necessary, tracking the effectiveness of your content promotion strategy is crucial to understanding what works and where you can improve.

There are a variety of tools and techniques to help you monitor your progress:

  1. Google Analytics: Allows you to track how much traffic each blog post is receiving, where your visitors are coming from, and which promotional channels are driving the most traffic. 
  2. Social Media Analytics: Each platform typically provides its own analytics tools to help you monitor the performance of your posts. Look at metrics like engagement rates, shares, and click-through rates (CTR) to determine which content resonates most with your audience.
  3. Email Marketing Tools: Your email service provider (ESP) allows you to track how well your email newsletters are driving traffic to your blog. Key metrics include open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Maintaining and Updating Your Blog Content Calendar

Creating a blog content calendar is just the beginning—maintaining and updating it over time is essential to ensure your blog remains relevant, engaging, and aligned with your audience’s needs.

I like to review the stats with the team both weekly and monthly so we can get a good idea of how our content is doing and can make future goals and adjustments.

Here are some ways you can start reviewing your content:

  1. Monthly or Quarterly Review: Set aside time each month or quarter to assess how well your blog is performing. Look at metrics such as traffic, engagement, conversion rates, and overall audience growth.
  2. Evaluate Content Performance: Review the performance of individual blog posts to identify which topics, formats, or styles are working best. For example, some blog posts may receive higher traffic from social media, while others perform better through organic search. 
  3. Incorporate Reader Feedback: Pay attention to comments, emails, and social media interactions to get a sense of what your audience enjoys and what they’re asking for.

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Tools and Resources for Managing Your Content Calendar

You know I’m all about productivity and organization, so I recommend finding tools that help you manage your time and your content calendar!

Here are some tools for organizing and managing your blog content calendar:

  • Google Sheets
  • Trello
  • Asana
  • CoSchedule
  • Notion
  • Airtable

Creating and maintaining a blog content calendar is essential for staying organized, consistent, and strategic with your content.

With the help of the tools and tips in this blog post, you’ll be well-prepared to plan, schedule, and promote your content effectively, keeping your blog on track and your audience engaged!

This post was all about creating a blog content calendar.

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